Thursday, August 4, 2011

5th Annual Fenton Dawson Memorial Volleyball Tournament DETAILS!

The 5th Annual Fenton Dawson Memorial Volleyball Tournament

WHEN: Sunday, August 14, 2011
(Please have your registrations postmarked by August 5)

WHERE: KBA has graciously donated their facility for the 5th year!

TIME: Pool play begins promptly at 9:00 AM
Check-in will open at 8:30 AM

COST: $120/ Team ($20.00 per additional player)

DIVISIONS: B & C CoRec 6’s (at least 2 females per team please!)
You may compete with 4 but you must have two females.

5th Annual Fenton Dawson Memorial Volleyball Tournament

We have 10 days until tournament time and I realize I AM LATE LATE LATE in saying:
I know I say that every year, but it’s just so stinkin’ true!

Every year I sit down with my trusty computer and try to come up with the words to convey how much this tournament means to us.
I’ve re-read all the emails sent to you over the past four years, searching for what to say THIS year.
While doing this I realized, all of YOU have shared those feelings with all of US, year after year.
So, for this 5th year, I’ve chosen to share excerpts from our past four years together.

“Two years ago, David and I were on the phone with one another talking about our friend when he said, "You know, I was thinking. . . what if we had a volleyball tournament?"”

“It had not even been a year since losing our friend. Our hearts still lay wide open from the loss. There were eleven teams that played that day. To be honest, it was a bit of a blur.”

“As I stood there watching the volleyballs being tossed into the air, I saw our plan coming together. I saw friends hugging, children playing, teams competing for the win, all the while carrying on with friendly banter across the net. I heard laughter and I knew we had done what we set out to do.”

“We could not ask for anymore than what everyone of you bring to this tournament each year. Truly, you touch our hearts.”

“And we, the Planning Crew, take little moments throughout the tournament day to watch you. We are in awe. We are grateful. YOU ALL fill us with inexplicable comfort and joy.”

“You’re Invited!!! The Fenton Dawson 50th Birthday BASH - Memorial Volleyball Tournament”

“On August 27, 2010, one thousand-four hundred and sixty days will have passed since we lost Fenton.”

“Some of you never met him but I urge you to look around. Look at how many people are hugging, talking and laughing. THAT is Fenton!”

“Watching you takes us back to a beautiful, hot summer day, on a grass court, with jazz music in the background.
You take us back to a day when we had our friend.
You are why we do this – even after all this time. . .”

THIS year, I just can’t think of anything better to say than what I’ve said to you for 5 years now -
We can think of no better way to remember, honor and CELEBRATE Fenton, than by bringing a group of people together as friends and family for a day of being together, laughing, competing and havin’ fun, playin’ a little volleyball!”

We’ll see ya in 10!
Stephanie and the Crew

Monday, July 26, 2010

1,460 Days

On August 27, 2010, one thousand-four hundred and sixty days will have passed since we lost Fenton.
Why do I say it that way?
Four years seems such a small amount of time. Such an insignificant little number. . . “4.”

When I think about how long ago it has been since the crash happened; that little number “4” works for me.
It seems like yesterday; 4 seconds ago even. I remember it vividly.
Where I was sitting, what I was looking at, the smell of my room, the pattern I paced on the floor during the call, and the warmth of the first tear I wiped away. All of us could tell you our story of that day, as if it were yesterday.

But to think about how long it has been since we’ve lost our friend?
One thousand-four hundred and sixty days.
Yes, that seems to be a far more appropriate depiction.
All the little things each day his children do and accomplish. The way his wife gets more beautiful with every passing day. Family cookouts and parties with friends; I wonder if he has any idea how many extra beers we have to drink without him there. . .
Conversations at work, and the laughter he brought to so many people.
Everyday things. Every day.

In a few days we will host our 4th volleyball tournament.

I think I speak for The Planning Crew, when I say; you guys breathe life into us every year. I can’t tell you how many times I stand back and just take all of you in. How many times one of us looks across the court at each other and with no words at all says, “Can you believe all of this?”

We are taken aback at how many of you come out to celebrate Fenton with us.
Some of you never met him but I urge you to look around. Look at how many people are hugging, talking and laughing. THAT is Fenton!

Watching you takes us back to a beautiful, hot summer day, on a grass court, with jazz music in the background.
You take us back to a day when we had our friend.
You are why we do this – even after all this time. . .

Thank you.

You're Invited - 4th Annual Fenton Dawson Memorial Volleyball Tournament


We are ready as ever to kick off the 4th Annual Fenton Dawson Memorial Volleyball Tournament!


And we, the Planning Crew, take little moments throughout the tournament day to watch you.
We are in awe. We are grateful. YOU ALL fill us with inexplicable comfort and joy.
So, we do it again.


On June 25, 2010, our Fenton would have turned 50 years old!
You better believe there would have been a MONSTER THROW DOWN PARTY!
Oh wait – there still was!!)
BUT - We’re not done celebrating just yet!

You’re Invited!!!
The Fenton Dawson 50th Birthday BASH
Memorial Volleyball Tournament

WHEN: Sunday, August 15, 2010
(Please have your registrations postmarked by August 6)

WHERE: KBA has graciously donated their facility for the 4th year!

TIME: Pool play begins promptly at 9:00 AM
Check-in will open at 8:30 AM

COST: $50/ Team (In honor of Fenton’s 50th!)
$19.60 for each additional player (In honor of Fenton’s birth year, 1960)

DIVISIONS: B & C CoRec 6’s (at least 2 females per team please!)
You may compete with 4 but you must have two females.

For three years now, you have made it possible for me to write these words to you:
We can think of no better way to remember, honor and CELEBRATE Fenton, than by bringing a group of people together as friends and family for a day of being together, laughing, competing and havin’ fun, playin’ a little volleyball!

We have some fun things planned this year and some BIG news to share!!!
You won't want to miss it!

Please visit for more details, registration forms and contact information.

You may join our Facebook page by searching “Fenton Dawson Memorial Volleyball Tournament”

We can't wait to see you all!

Best regards
Stephanie, David, Susie, Christie, Mike & Lisa

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

3rd Annual Fenton Dawson Memorial Volleyball Tournament

WOWZA! Has it been an entire year already?!?!?

Indeed it has and with that, I am SO proud to announce the 3rd Annual Fenton Dawson Memorial Volleyball Tournament!


You ALL continue to overwhelm us with your enthusiasm, love and support!
Last year we had 17 teams participate; up 6 teams from 2007! Absolutely outstanding!
We could not ask for anymore than what everyone of you bring to this tournament each year.
Truly, you touch our hearts.

I will continue to say this as long as this tournament exists - We can think of no better way to remember, honor and CELEBRATE Fenton than by bringing a group of people together as friends and family for a day of being together, laughing, competing and havin’ fun playin’ a little volleyball!

(I just got goosebumps!)

I’ve gotta give a HUGE shout out to KBA!
NONE of this would be possible without KBA donating their facility!
Hats off guys! You’re the best!

Here are your 2009 details!!!!
WHEN: Saturday, August 8, 2009

WHERE: KBA has graciously donated their facility for the 3rd year!

TIME: Opening serve begins promptly at 9:00 AM

Check-in will open at 8:30 AM

COST: $120/ Team

DIVISIONS: B & C CoRec 6’s (at least 2 females per team please!)
You may compete with 4 but you must have two females, please.

Please visit for more details, registration forms and contact information.

For pictures and blogs about the tournament go to!

We are SUPER EXCITED to see you all!!

Best regards,
Dave, Christie, Susie, Stephanie, Lisa & Mike

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A day on the courts.

I wanted to write this last night. I wanted write this so bad I could barely stand it. My mind was spinning with words yet my eyes were spinning with Big Mike's margaritas and exhaustion. It was an eleven hour day for us but Oh My Goodness; was it worth it!

We're just days shy from the two year anniversary of losing our friend, Fenton, to the crash of Flight 5191. There isn't a day that goes by he isn't in each of our thoughts.
Two years ago David and I were on the phone with one another talking about our friend when he said, "You know, I was thinking. . . what if we had a volleyball tournament?" Instantly, I told him that was an amazing idea. . . not really thinking about what I would come to witness.

One year ago on August 15, 2007 the Fenton Dawson Memorial Volleyball Tournament took place. It had not even been a year since losing our friend. Our hearts still lay wide open from the loss. There were eleven teams that played that day. To be honest, it was a bit of a blur. We were all so nervous and running around, making sure everything went smooth as possible. Of course it went smooth, Dave is a meticulous organizer and planner. It was a good day. There was no doubt that we would do it again.

Yesterday, we did just that! It was the 2nd Annual Fenton Dawson Volleyball Tournament. WOW. . . I MEAN . . . W O W!!!
Seventeen teams showed up to help us celebrate our friend. SEVENTEEN TEAMS!!!
That's 102 people plus their family plus friends plus plus plus!!!
It was overwhelming and AMAZING!!!
I wish with all my heart, I could tell each and every person there how MUCH it means to us.

As I stood there watching the volleyballs being tossed into the air, I saw our plan coming together. I saw friends hugging, children playing, teams competing for the win, all the while carrying on with friendly banter across the net.
I heard laughter and I knew we had done what we set out to do.
Fenton wouldn't believe all that was for him. . .
We however, believe it is entirely about him.
I think he'd be proud.
I think he was there.
And I'm pretty sure I heard him laughing.
We love you man. .

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Awesome Assistance!!!!

Hello ALL!!!

Well, again - if I've said it once, I've said it hundreds of times now!
I have the MOST AMAZING FRIENDS in my life!!!
This year, 17 years after graduating High School, I was fortunate to re encounter an old friend, Eric Marr.

Eric has made it his career working with the community and its businesses to make them harmonious. Listening to him is inspiring and uplifting.

Recently having moved back to Lexington, Eric is rapidly expanding his network, getting involved and positively infiltrating our community!
He has graciously offered to post a write up for the Volleyball Tourney on his blog space, Infinity Bluegrass!

A big THANK YOU to Eric for his assistance in getting us out there!!!